Develop Project Charter
Develop Project Charter
Project Integration Management is the specific responsibility of the project manager andit cannot be delegated or transferred. The project manager is the one that combines theresults from all the other Knowledge Areas to provide an overall view of the project. Theproject manager is ultimately responsible for the project as a whole.●Projects and project management are integrative by nature, with most tasks involvingmore than one Knowledge Area.●The relationships of processes within the Project Management Process Groups andbetween the Project Management Process●Project Integration Management is about:○Ensuring that the due dates of project deliverables, the project life cycle, and thebenefits realization plan are aligned;○Providing a project management plan to achieve the project objectives;○Ensuring the creation and the use of appropriate knowledge to and from theproject;○Managing project performance and changes to the project activities;○Making integrated decisions regarding key changes impacting the project;○Measuring and monitoring progress and taking appropriate action;○Collecting, analyzing and communicating project information to relevantstakeholders;○Completing all the work of the project and formally closing each phase, contract,and the project as a whole; and○Managing phase transitions when necessary
PM Process Group

PM Knowledge Area

What does it do?
- Recognises and authorizes the existence of the project
- Defines high level requirement and objectives
- PM is assigned
- Provides the PM to apply organizational resources
- Issued by the project initiator or sponsor
Key Benefits
- Define project goals/objectives
- Define project boundaries (on what to do and not do)
- Creates a formal record of the project (so no one can question why you are doing the work)
- Formal way for senior management to recognize and accept the project.

1. Business Documents
i. Business Case
- Reason why the project is initiated
- Whether or not the project is worth the required investment
- Completed by Business Analysts with inputs from stakeholders
- To make sure project supports business needs and strategic plans
- Can also be used for project selection
- Created because of Market demand, organizational need, customer request, technological advance, legal requirements, ecological impact or social needs.
ii. Benefits Management Plan
- Documents how and when the benefits of the project will be delivered.
- Includes Target benefits, Strategic alignment, timeframe for realising benefits, benefits owner, metrics, risks, assumptions etc.
2. Agreements
- These are terms accepted by all parties
- They come in the form of contracts, memorandums of understanding (MOUs), service level agreements (SLA), verbal agreement, email etc
3. Enterprise Environmental Factors (EEF)
- Factors that may impact our project but we lack an influence over these factors.
i. Internal EEF
- Existing HR
- Organizational Culture
- Stakeholder expectations and Risk thresholds
ii. External EEF
- Legal and Regulatory requirements
- Marketplace conditions
- Political Climate
4. Operational Process Assets (OPA)
- Process utilized to execute the project. This includes
- Processes, Procedures, Policies and Plans
- Historical Information and Lessons Learnt Repository
- Templates
- Monitoring and reporting methods
Tools & Techniques
1. Expert Judgement
- Groups or Individuals with specialised knowledge to assess inputs.
- It includes consultants, stateholders, subject matter experts, PMO etc.
2. Data Gathering
i. Brainstorming
- Identify a list of ideas in a short period of time.
ii. Focus Groups
- Brings a group of stakeholders together to learn about project risks, success criteria etc.
iii. Interviews
- Obtain information and requirements from stakeholders. Can be one on one or otherwise.
3. Interpersonal & Team Skills
i. Conflict Management
- Used when stakeholders disaree on a topic
ii. Facilitation
- Guide a group to make a successful decision.
iii. Meeting Management
- Preparing an agenda, ensuring a key stakeholder for each group and sending out meeting minutes
4. Meetings
- Held by key stakeholders to reach agreement on a project direction.
1. Project Charter
- Issued by project initiator or sponsor
- Signed by someone external to the project
- Funds are issued to the project
- PM is appointed
- Charter is broad and includes business case
2. Assumptions Log
- Identified from the business case
- Updated throughout the project lifecycle as more information is known.